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Calculator Tips for Pre-Calculus
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Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying Matrices

The following instructions apply to a TI83 or TI84 graphing calculator.

First create the matrices. To do this, use the following directions and key strokes.
  1. "2nd"
  2. "x-1" for "matrix"
  3. Arrow over to "edit"
  4. Arrow down to the matrix you want to edit and hit "enter".

  5. Input the dimensions of the matrix.
  6. Fill in the values for the matrix. When finished, hit "2nd" then "quit".

    **To create a second matrix, repeat steps 1 - 6.

Now to add, subtract or multiply matrices.
  1. "2nd"
  2. "x-1"
  3. "enter" on the first matrix to use in the problem.

  4. Hit either the multiplication, addition or subtraction signs.
  5. "2nd"
  6. "x-1"
  7. "enter" on the second matrix to use in the problem.

  8. "enter"

    This is the product of matrix A and B.

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