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Change Password

You must know your current password in order to change your password on this screen.

If you do not know your current password, you may request a password reset email by clicking on this link: https://cl.castlelearning.com/Review/CLO/Account/Forgot

The reset email may be sent to either the primary or secondary email you have listed in the Email Address section below.

New Password:
Password Requirements:

Must be at least 4 characters in length

Cannot be the same as your Login ID

Cannot include the following special characters (",'</)

Re-type your new password:
Password Retrieval
If you forget your password, you can click the Forgot your ID or Password link on the Sign-In page and retrieve your password by answering your Password Retrieval questions.

You must specify both questions - or none if you do not wish to use this feature.
Email Address as Alternate Login and to Get Forgotten ID and Password
If you forget your Login ID and/or your password, you can click the Forgot your ID or Password link on the Sign-In page and have these emailed to you. To enable this, please enter your email address.
Your email address:
Note: When setting this email, students and teachers will be able to use this as an alternate login id.
You can also provide a secondary email address to be used for password reset purposes only (you will not be able to login using this email, but can use it to reset your password)
Your secondary email address:
Note: The secondary email (as well as your primary email) is used if you have forgotten your login id or password and need to use the Forgot your ID or Password link.
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(This controls enabling/disabling all notifications for all devices. To manually turn off notifications on a single device or browser use the settings appropriate to the device or browser.)
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* = Required fields
Privacy statement: Email addresses are considered to be extremely private and will not be given out or sold to other companies. We request Email addresses in order to be able to email to users a forgotten ID or password or for special Castle Learning features.

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