Elementary Western Hemisphere
Unit  Count
History of the United States 145
History of Canada and Latin America    120
Geography of the United States, Canada, and Latin America 141
The Economies of the United States, Canada, and Latin America 105
The Governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico 219
Unit Count Section
History of the United States 20 Native Peoples of North America
20 Exploration and Colonization
20 Colonial America
15 Struggle for North America
20 The New Nation
20 Slavery and Emancipation
15 The Nation Grows
15 The Modern Era
History of Canada and Latin America    20 Cultural Diversity
11 Different Perspectives
15 Cultural Exchange and Diffusion
20 Contributions of Historic Figures
19 Historical Documents
20 Symbols
15 Impact of Industrial Growth and Urbanization
Geography of the United States, Canada, and Latin America 25 Maps Skills
20 Features of Maps
20 Five Themes of Geography
15 Changing Political Boundaries
15 Different Geological Processes Shaped Physical Environments
16 Cultural Features Tie Regions Together
15 Physical and Human Characteristics Differ from Place to Place
15 Human Actions Modify Physical Environments
The Economies of the United States, Canada, and Latin America 11 Satisfying Needs and Wants
15 Use of Human, Capital, and Natural Resources
20 Types of Economic Systems
15 Types and Availability of Resources Affect Economic Development
14 Impact of Science and Technology on Standard of Living
15 Interdependence in the Western Hemisphere
15 Global Implications of Economic Decisions
The Governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico 21 Purpose of Government
20 Types of Government
20 The United States Government
20 Branches of Government
20 The Canadian Government
18 The Mexican Government
20 Central American Governments
20 South American Governments
20 Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens
15 Important Legal, Political, and Historic Documents
15 Patriotic Celebrations in the Western Hemisphere
10 International Organizations in the Western Hemisphere
Theme Count
Change 39
Citizenship and Civic Life 16
Civic Values 26
Culture 75
Decision Making 15
Economic Systems 50
Empathy 4
Environment and Society 38
Factors of Production 13
Government 227
Human Systems 2
Identity 50
Interdependence 30
Nation States 2
Needs and Wants 7
Physical Systems 78
Places and Regions 55
Technology 3
Level Count
Basic 179
Intermediate 369
Advanced 182
Attribute Count
Map 49
Graph/Chart 3
Artwork/Photo/Diagram 154
Quotation/Reading Passage 5