Unit Count
Introduction to Economics 149
Microeconomics 156
Macroeconomics 168
The Government and National Economic Goals 86
Global Economics 44
Unit Count Section
Introduction to Economics 48 Basic Terms and Concepts
8 Scarcity
51 Economic Systems
42 Supply, Demand, and Price
Microeconomics 22 Consumer in the Economy
67 Business in the Economy
39 Labor in the Economy
28 Agriculture in the Economy
Macroeconomics 54 Money and Banking
32 The Federal Reserve System
66 Income, Spending, and Borrowing
16 Investments
The Government and National Economic Goals 17 Unemployment, Inflation, and Recession
36 Measuring Economic Growth
24 Taxes and Financing Public Goods
9 The Federal Budget and National Debt
Global Economics 15 International Trade
12 The United Stated and Developing Nations
16 Current Economic Issues
Theme Count
Resources/scarcity 17
Trade-offs/Opportunity costs 8
Supply and Demand 57
Consumers/consumption 27
Producers/production 62
Competition 20
Economic markets/systems 42
Income and spending 111
Macroeconomics 15
Microeconomics 44
National economic goals 41
Mechanization/technology 8
Interdependence 28
Economic Issues 24
Money and Monetary Policy 99
Level Count
Basic 180
Intermediate 228
Advanced 195
Attribute Count
Cartoon 2
Graph/Chart 56
Table 32
Artwork/Diagram 1
Quotation 4