Global History and Geography
Unit Count
Africa 231
India/South Asia 171
Southeast Asia 43
China 225
Japan and Korea 172
Latin America 208
Middle East 213
Western Europe 833
Northern Eurasia and Eastern Europe 262
General/Multi-Topical 507
TOTAL 2865
Unit Count Section
Africa 56 Geography
66 History
38 Society
38 Economics
33 Politics
India/South Asia 28 Geography
55 History
48 Society
8 Economics
32 Politics
Southeast Asia 13 Geography
15 History
5 Society
5 Economics
5 Politics
China 29 Geography
93 History
35 Society
40 Economics
28 Politics
Japan and Korea 31 Geography
47 History
26 Society
46 Economics
22 Politics
Latin America 39 Geography
60 History
25 Society
50 Economics
34 Politics
Middle East 39 Geography
59 History
53 Society
23 Economics
39 Politics
Western Europe 60 Geography
345 History
78 Society
161 Economics
189 Politics
Northern Eurasia and Eastern Europe 24 Geography
125 History
16 Society
37 Economics
60 Politics
General/Multi-Topical 158 Geography
77 History
99 Society
87 Economics
86 Politics
Theme Count
The Ancient World: 4000 B.C.- 500 A.D. 291
The Rise of Civilizations: 500- 1200 178
Global Interactions: 1200- 1650 304
The First Global Age: 1450-1770 228
An Age of Revolutions: 1750-1914 406
The Modern World in Crisis: 1900-1945 299
The World Since 1945 610
Global Connections, Interactions, and The Future 549
Level Count
Basic 660
Intermediate 1238
Advanced 967
Attribute Count
Map 188
Cartoon 102
Graph/Chart 85
Table 25
Speaker 42
Artwork/Diagram 51
Quotation 308
Outline 89
Spanish Translations 1300