Logged in as:

New Account Password:
Step 1: Upload a CSV file with student data. Include columns for First Name, Last Name, Identification (optional), Password (optional), Login (optional), Grade (optional), Usertype (optional), EMail (optional), Salutation (optional), Race (optional), Disability (optional), LEP (optional), Ethnicity(optional) and Gender (optional).
Step 2: Map your CSV file's column names to column names the Wizard understands. Items with a '⇒' were automatically mapped. These can be changed if desired.
Step 3: If school name is supplied in the file, map your CSV file's school names to school names the Wizard understands.
Step 4: Set up rules for the automatic generation of login names.
Step 5: Review the student accounts that will be created.
Step 6: Create the student accounts.

Click Browse to select a CSV-formatted file (including full path):

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