Manage Schools
Update subscription expiration, license or clear passwords
for selected schools.
Manage Schools Data Deletion
View, update and delete schools that have been scheduled for deletion
or have already been deleted.
Activate New School Year
Creates a new entry in the SchoolYear table for all schools
for the next year. Only do this if you want to activate all the schools for the
next school year.
Update Course Notice
Set the notice value to any text you want displayed on the Add Questions Page under the course dropdown.
Change Year for Internal Schools
Moves all the User, Class and Session data for the following schools to the specified
- Anywhere Academy of Success (1000061)
- Anywhere High School (284)
- Castle Elementary School (1000114)
- Castle High School (1)
- Castle Kentucky School (1001514)
- Castle Ohio School (1002360)
- Castle South Carolina School (1000316)
- Castle Texas School (1001341)
- Castle Florida School (1000323)
- Castle North Carolina School (1000295)
- Castle Pennsylvania School (1001150)
- Castle Virginia School (1000294)
- Castle West Virginia School (1002361)
- Castle Survey School (1002603)
- Review Automation School (1000294)
- E-Instruction (1002137)
- MTP Stand Alone Account (Trial)(1002154)
- MTP Test HS(1002147)
- Mohawk RIC(1000025)
- Rochester Training Center (1002997)
Manage SIS Options
View / Add / Edit the SIS names that are displayed in the SIS dropdown on enrollments setup screens.
Global Email Update
You must select a school in the district you are changing, for this feature to work!
Enter the old email address part after the @ and the new email address part after
the @. Clicking the link will convert all accounts using the old address to the
new. This can't easily be reversed so make sure you really want to do this. Please verify that you selected a school in this district on your home page before running this.
Add Spanish Course to all schools, admins and teachers
Updates all schools, admins and teachers to automatically include the Spanish course
System Notifications
Add an alert to the the Admin, Teacher, or Student home pages.
Manage Products
Manage the Product IDs and Descriptions
Decrypt Accounts
Internal IDs (comma separated):
Enter one or more internal id's separated by a comma then click link to get the account list decrypted.
Encrypt Login
Returns the entered login string in encrypted form.
Decrypt Login or Email
Returns the entered login or email string in decrypted form.
Get expired admin & teacher emails based on this date (<=)
Returns the emails for all admins and teachers based on the entered expiration date.
Last Access CSV File
Generates a CSV file containging account info based on last access date entered here.
Create IHM Classes for 2019
Create a 7th and 8th grade class for all IHM teachers and populates them.
Send WebPush Notifications
Send out notifications to anyone that has subscribed to them and have notifications to send.
Repair missing CR Grades from 2017 deletion
Generate file c://Temp/MissingCRSessions.csv
Deactivate Enrollments
Deactivate all automated enrollments including LDAP/FTP, Clever, RicOne and ClassLink. NOTE: You will have to individually reactivate each district.
Enable Missing Top Level Courses (for schools and user accounts)
Checks through each school and user account to see if the corresponding top level course (Math, Science, SS, ELA) is enabled if any subcourse is enabled. If the top level course is not enabled, this will enable it.
Start Automated Usage Service monthly job (for last month)
Calls the Automated Usage Service to process the "monthly job" that runs at the beginning of each month for the previous month.